Episode 20 – Exploring Consent with Eithne Dowds and Jessica Elder

QUB School of Law’s Eithne Dowds in a conversation with QUB welfare officer Jessica Elder discussing the role of consent in relation to the crime of rape.

This episode features QUB School of Law’s Eithne Dowds in a conversation with QUB welfare officer Jessica Elder. They discuss the role of consent in relation to the crime of rape, and some of the challenges associated with the interpretation and application of this concept within both social and legal contexts. Jessica draws on her experience of running consent workshops in QUB and Eithne highlights key issues around consent from a domestic and comparative perspective.

You can learn more about Jessica here: http://www.qubsu.org/YourUnion/MeettheTeam/StudentOfficers/Welfare/

You can learn more about Eithne here:


Some material mentioned as part of the conversation or relevant to it:

  1. Elder, Launch of the Consnet Ambassador Programme and Results Launch of the S.C.O.R.E. Stand Together Survey: https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/studentsunion/2017/08/22/cw-sexual-assault-launch-of-the-consent-ambassador-programme-and-results-launch-of-the-s-c-o-r-e-stand-together-survey/.

S.C.O.R.E, Stand Together Report, 2017 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bljy7rpn92sk5le/The%20Stand%20Together%20Report%202017.pdf?dl=0

  1. Dowds, ‘An International Response to #MeToo, Rape and Sexual Abuse is Needed’, The Conversation, 4 May 2018: https://theconversation.com/an-international-legal-response-to-metoo-rape-and-sexual-abuse-is-needed-95617
  1. Dowds, ‘Rape and Consent: Ongoing Challenges’, agendaNI Magazine, 28 April 2018: http://www.agendani.com/rape-and-consent-ongoing-challenges/
  1. Dowds, ‘Conceptualising the Role of Consent in the Definition of Rape at The International Criminal Court: A Norm Transfer Perspective’ (2017)International Feminist Journal of politics: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14616742.2018.1447311
  1. Larcombe, B. Fileborn, A. Powell, N. Hanley and N. Henry, ‘I Think it’s Rape and I Think He Would be Found Not Guilty’: Focus Group Perceptions of (un)Reasonable Belief in Consent in Rape Law’ (2016) 25(5) Social & Legal Studies61: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0964663916647442

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