Woman and Law Questiontime!

Woman and Law Questiontime!

The Women and the Law team are back this academic year and for our introductory LawPod podcast we want to hear from you!

Ruby (a second year LLB student) and Aoifé & Tamara (who have just completed the MLaw and are trainee solicitors) would love for you to send questions relating to law so we can answer them on the podcast! This can be anything from “What’s the best way to study for exams/make my own notes?” to “How do I become a solicitor?”

Any questions or queries that perhaps need more specific answers or in-depth advice will be put to legal professionals who partake in our podcasts throughout the year…so just ask and we will answer!

(If you would prefer to remain anonymous, let us know in your DM!)

You can ask on Twitter, Instagram or Linkedin.

#womenandthelaw #lawpod #podcast #law #qublaw #lawpod4students